MYTH: Taping your windows is enough to keep water out and prevent breakage
FACT: You can throw this myth right out that window you were planning to tape up. Even the most durable ducttape gets worn out and loses its effectiveness when saturated by water, so imagine what condition it would be in with sheets of rain and punishing winds of more than 50 mph. Some people also believe taping your windows will help prevent them from shattering, but it could actually be more dangerous. If the window does break with tape on it, it has a greater potential to fracture into hazardously large pieces. Think about investing in impact-resistant windows; if that’s not possible, board up your windows with shutters or plywood for the safest results.
MYTH: A mandatory evacuation order isn’t really mandatory
FACT: Florida natives are famous for this line of thought. However, any mandatory evacuation order is issued for your own safety, and thinking you can stick it out in your coastal or inland home when a storm is barreling down on your area is nothing but risky business. Get up and out at the first sign of an evacuation order, so you don’t find yourself trying to scramble when both conditions and traffic have deteriorated. Follow these steps in order to safely evacuate before a storm.
MYTH: Cracking your windows will stabilize the wind pressure
FACT: False. The only thing cracking your windows will do is let the violent wind from outside rush in, forcing it to find its own destructive way out. Unless your house has floor-to-ceiling windows, the here-and-there gaps in your home’s structure are more likely to cause windows to break from the outside before they ever explode from wind pressure on the inside. If taking that risk worries you, Custom Window Systems has engineered the The WINDPACT Window lineup of storm-resistant windows in order to put families at ease when faced with an approaching hurricane.
MYTH: You only need to board up the windows that face the water
FACT: If you’re only preparing for storm surge, this wouldn’t be such a myth. The problem with this statement is that it doesn’t take into account the fact that hurricanes rotate. As a result, strong winds and flying debris can come from any direction, not just the side facing the water. . If you’re going to board up your windows to prepare before a hurricane, be on the safe side and protect every area of your home.